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      <page pageid="54" ns="0" title="Roadmap">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">

This is a very general roadmap that emphasizes major milestone goals for potential users or developers who are interested in the project. We removed dates for now, as they weren't being accurately met.  We now track specific in an instance of Jira. It does not reflect the full extent of the development, and ''it will change''. 

Our first development themes are 1) adding data to the system, and 2) improving our semantics.  We want to handle data more efficiently, and when we add/import data we want to understand what that data means.

* ''Project'' - User/project related
* ''Basic'' - Nomenclature, Taxa (OTUs), Specimens
* ''Annotation'' - Notes, Tags, Data Attributes etc.
* ''Matrix'' - Matrix capabilities, bifurcating keys, generated descriptions 
* ''Media'' - Images, PDFs, Sounds, anything that is a file (these may be incrementally added, starting first with PDFs, then images)

=== Milestone 1 ===

* &lt;strike&gt;''Unify development on Postgres and OS X laptops''&lt;/strike&gt; 

=== Milestone 2 ===

*  &lt;strike&gt;''Live sandbox builds for workbench''  &lt;/strike&gt; 
**  &lt;strike&gt;Simple &quot;Project&quot; and &quot;Basic&quot; functionality &lt;/strike&gt;

=== Milestone 3 ===

* &lt;strike&gt;''Workbench production build''&lt;/strike&gt;
** &lt;strike&gt;Production version of sandbox builds in Milestone 2&lt;/strike&gt;

=== Milestone 4 ===

* ''Simple &quot;public&quot; interfaces for production data'' 
** Simple navigation through nomenclature, and taxon pages
* ''Production matrix, media and annotation functionality''
* Sandbox Matrix, Annotation and Media functionality (moved from Milestone 3)

Following this the theme will be 1) getting data out of the system (APIs, exports, etc.), and 2) integration with other biodiversity resources.  In addition a major focus will be migrating existing projects into TaxonWorks (i.e. from mx, SpeciesFiles, and 3i).

Finally, with a system relatively well in place our development themes are to facilitate analysis and scientific publications.</rev>
      <page pageid="56" ns="0" title="Sandbox">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">== Guidelines for using the sandbox ==

Please keep the following in mind:

* It's a sandbox, things made of sand are fragile and will melt away in the wind and water.
* What you see may be different in the end product, or it might not be there at all.
* The data you add WILL BE WIPED from time to time, we make no promises for the length of time it will be live.  It might be there for days, or minutes.  We will not announce wipes.
* You can do whatever you want, including deleting data, or modifying any data.
* The data you add may be altered by others.
* Others will see exactly what you are seeing.
* The sandbox may or may not be live, our goal is to have it down no more than one full day before it's live again.  Typically, however, if the sandbox is down you can expect it to be live within an hour or two.
* The sandbox may contain features that may not be live in production.
* The sandbox contains features on the main [ development branch maintained by the Species File Group] only, other branches increasingly include major new features that are not included.
* The collective data of the sandbox may be shared with other TaxonWorks developers via database dumps.
* Even though it is a sandbox, please do not share your accounts.  Using your own account will help us better understand the behaviour of the software.
* ''It goes without saying (but we will anyways) that you should not put any sensitive information in the sandbox, including passwords that you would use elsewhere.''
* '''Sandbox account use is tracked in several ways.  We record information about the last IP you used to connect from, the time of last login, when the account was last seen accessing the sandbox, and an estimate of the time spent in the application.'''</rev>